The engaging Speaker Studio located in the Exhibit Hall provides Annual Meeting attendees an opportunity to ask invited speakers one-on-one questions in a casual and relaxed setting. Questions are driven by the audience members and can be about the speaker’s current presentation topics, experience, or practice applications. *Please note that all information announced for this event, including the schedule, invited speakers, and hosts, is subject to change.
12:30 – 1 p.m. – Hosted by Jennifer Doobrow, DMD
Invited Speaker: Maria (Mia) L. Geisinger (Setting the Stage (and Grade): Clinical Applications and Case Studies Utilizing the 2017 AAP/EFP World Workshop on Disease Classification)
1:30 – 1:50 p.m. (20 min) Hosted by Jennifer Doobrow, DMD
Invited Speaker: Alexandre Aalam (Treatment Planning Zygomatic and Pterygoid Dental Implants)
3:15 – 3:35 p.m. (20 min) Hosted by Michael Sonick, DMD
Invited Speaker: Andres E. Ponce (The New Age of Marketing: The Secrets to Leveraging Social Medial as a Marketing Tool for the Periodontal Practice)
12:15 – 12:45 p.m. (30 min) Hosted by Jennifer Doobrow, DMD
Invited Speaker: Dan Holtzclaw (Should We Pull the Plug? Do We Need a Third Dentition?)
2:15 – 2:45 p.m. (30 min) Hosted by Jennifer Doobrow, DMD
Invited Speaker: Dan Holtzclaw (Implant Restoration of the Severely Atrophic Maxilla with Zygomatic and Pterygoid Implants)
10:45 – 11:05 a.m. (20 min.) Hosted by Michael Sonick, DMD
Invited Speakers: Oded Bahat, Stephen Chu, and Dennis Tarnow (Singular Anterior Implant: Strategies for Long Term Stability & Aesthetics)
1:15 – 1:35 p.m. (20 min) Hosted by Michael Sonick, DMD
Invited Speaker: Wael Att (Zirconia Implants: The New Kid on the Block)
Thanks to Noris Medical for sponsoring the Speaker Studio.